Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Comments on "Purpose"

1. The chapter "Purpose" perfectly illustrates the importance of establishing a clear and concise topic.

2. When writing a narration, vantage point and person/audience are extremely important to the integrity of the story.

3. The heart of an authors style comes behind authorial voice and presence.

4. This was a very interesting and helpful chapter, which helped demonstrate the importance of establishing a purpose for my writing. This chapter was appropriately named and basically, in one word, explains the entire chapter.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Writing about Poetry: Notes

- Know about your readers backgrounds
- Unless otherwise instructed, assume your audience is the other members of your class; choose this because the members of your class have certain backgrounds and interests that match up with yours.
- Four kinds of papers you may write:
1. Papers that focus on a single poem
2. Papers of comparison and contrast
3. Papers on a number of poems by a single author
4. Papers on a number of poems having some feature other than authorship in common
- Be sure to follow and pay attention to your instructors guidelines on the paper; length, deadlines, fonts and size, general topic vs. broad topic, preparation of manuscripts, etc.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Persepolis Movie

There were surprisingly little differences between the book and the movie. Although there were a few things that were both under and over played, the story-lines basically lined up. Tone of the reasons why some parts of the first book were underplayed was probably because the movie was the contemplation of both "Persepolis" and "Persepolis 2". Because of this, the book went much farther into detail than the movie.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

The effects of Hurricane Sandy were considered devastating to many. Thousands of people were without power and were not fully prepared for this situation. The people who did prepare, however, cleared the shelves of all supermarkets and pretty much any place that sells either food or flashlights and candles. My family did not prepare enough for this hurricane. We did not buy a cooler or buy many non-perishable items to use as our food  source. Many of the things in our refrigerator and freezer were thrown out and we had to re-stock once we regained power. While I was aimlessly walking around the town after the hurricane, I saw many people doing everything they could to help others out. At the Garden State Plaza many people were in the parking lot for hours giving out water and flashlights. This was a great help to those who were ill prepared or for those who used their supplies. Thankfully, there were no reports of completely destroyed homes up here but many homes down the shore and further south were obliterated. Category 2 hurricanes clearly are not to be taken lightly and can obviously do some serious damage.